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Potential Magazine

Read our inspiring student stories, useful parenting tips and informative feature articles in this issue of Potential!

The “Just-Right” Level of Study- How do you know your child is studying at just the right level?

In the bustling world of education, finding the “just-right” level of study can feel like chasing a phantom. Too easy, and motivation flutters away. Too difficult, and frustration becomes a roadblock. Enter Kumon, a self-paced learning method that champions the art of gauging individual learning situations.

Gauging the Learning Landscape: Kumon doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all learning. Instead, it meticulously considers each child’s unique starting point, learning style, and pace. Through ongoing assessments and observations, Kumon Instructors paint a nuanced picture of each student’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning preferences. This detailed understanding forms the foundation for crafting the perfect learning pathway.

Crafting Just-Right Instructions: Kumon worksheets aren’t simply a collection of problems. They’re meticulously designed stepping stones, gradually increasing in difficulty while ensuring mastery at each step. This ensures that children are constantly challenged, yet supported, pushing their boundaries just enough to experience the thrill of discovery without succumbing to overwhelm.

The Magic of the Challenge Zone: The “just-right” level lies in that sweet spot between comfort and challenge. It’s where children engage fully, their minds buzzing with effort and satisfaction. In Kumon, worksheets are crafted to hit this zone precisely. When a child breezes through a worksheet, the next one presents a slightly steeper incline, pushing them to stretch their understanding. Conversely, if a child stumbles, the instructor provides targeted support, ensuring they grasp the concept before moving on.

By understanding the intricacies of each child’s learning landscape and crafting “just-right” level of instructions, Kumon creates a personalized learning adventure.

Ways to help your child become independent

  1. Find the “Just-Right” Challenge: Kumon thrives on individualization. Ensure your child is grappling with concepts neither too easy nor too hard. Watch for signs of boredom or frustration, and communicate with instructors to adjust the difficulty level, keeping them in the sweet spot of challenge and growth.
  2. Celebrate the Journey, Not Just the Destination: Applaud not just completed worksheets, but also the effort and focus applied. Celebrate the “aha!” moments, the resilience in tackling tough problems, and the dedication to consistent practice. Recognizing the process, not just the outcome, fuels intrinsic motivation.
  3. Connect the Dots to Real Life: Make learning personal! Show how Kumon skills apply to everyday life. Use math to bake cookies, reading to explore new worlds, and English to write fun stories. This sense of relevance and application keeps the learning fire burning brightly.
  4. Foster Ownership and Choice: Encourage your child to take ownership of their Kumon journey. Let them choose rewards for milestones, set mini-goals within worksheets, and even have a say in how they study (using flashcards, drawing diagrams, etc.). This autonomy fuels a sense of responsibility and keeps them invested.
  5. Role Model the Joy of Learning: Let your child see your own enthusiasm for learning. Share your interests, read new things together, and show that learning is a lifelong adventure. Your passion becomes contagious, inspiring them to embrace the same love for exploration.
  6. Build a Support Network: Create a community of encouragement. Connect with other Kumon parents, visit centers together, and celebrate each other’s achievements. Knowing they’re not alone in their journey boosts confidence and motivation.

Hold onto your seats because Kumon’s about to spice up your learning journey like never before!


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